Wills & Trusts

       The conversation about putting together your life's worth to be handed down either into the generations or a different choosing for donation or other choice, is not something most families want to do.  Myself, I would rather talk about flowers, trees, and puppies, then sing a song.  However, it's needed as the days move ahead, our lives change.  With change, comes age, then the day is here when the decisions must be made.  

Home is where Your Heart is & Your Wishes

        Your final wishes are just that ~ "Your Wishes" ~ and completely your choice what decisions you make.  There should be not one person telling you what to do with your home, finances, or anything else.  We strongly suggest you think about everything before 'Willing' your biggest assets to anyone.  As ~'Home is where your Heart is'~, it's also where some of the biggest lifetime happenings occur; this is one of them.  Please take a moment, get a cup of tea, maybe a cookie or two, then think about what you really want to do; it is after all 'Your Life'

        Comfort, home, and big decisions, your decisions.  We mention something above about 'Your Wishes', and your family should be kept out of your decisions at all times regarding your Will & Trust.  This is your choice; your life; your moment to decide.  Whether it's who may have your best interest at heart, the one you chose that makes the best decisions in life, or simply your only family that's left to carry out your wishes, plus hold your property in manner & the way you wish.  You may also wish to donate all or a portion of your Estate to a charity; these are~'Your Wishes'~. 

Elderly Coercion & Your Estate

        The one thing we state here, very seriously is the time when 'Elderly Coercion' comes in, and someone is saying to you, "You must do this or else..." that is something called "Financial Elder Abuse" in which must be fully documented and the authorities must be contacted.  We provide lots of information on this website to educate you on these possibilities. 

        Taking care of your wishes is your business alone; no interference in your choices ever should be happening.  Plus as far as who's business it is, that's your choice with whom you wish to share it with verbally & on paper.  One very simple thing we suggest, is that you seriously think about divulging not only your wishes, but with whom you share this with.  Before you share your final choices with anyone, we always suggest tea, but please take a moment, get that cookie or something yummy to eat, and think about everything. 

        The only person hearing your wishes is the one person putting it all on paper for you.  After you've had your cookie & tea, and you've thought about everything, your life & wishes are golden; just as our lives are golden, this is your last moment once you move into a new abode in the sky.  So, unless you make it someone's business, and think about that strongly first, as privacy is your choice, and is a very important thing, but it's no one persons business but yours.  Once you've decided what you want to do, then the next person knowing, will be making your Will or Trust; the person that you choose. 

Unless you make it known to others, this is your life; keep your wishes your own.

        We want what's best for you and your choices.  Please jot down a few notes, think about your Estate and the directions you have and/or want in place when that time comes.  Planning ahead is always the best thing to do.  If a Will & Trust is not prepared ahead of time, a nightmare could begin for your loved ones once your time is here, planning ahead, from our experience, is the most important thing you could do for 'Your Wishes' to be carried out forever.  

We have a very big heart:

       At Up With People Legal we are not Lawyers and do not provide any type of legal advice.  We're merely here to provide information on different issues involving the Elderly and the Disabled.  We also may not update this website every day, therefore cannot guarantee anything on this website except our freedom of speech; our 1st Amendment right to speak about subjects we wish to speak about.  As seen on our first page in this website, we have no Attorneys on staff.  If you do need to find an Attorney, for convenience,we provide the Contra Costa County Bar Association's telephone number: (925) 686-6900.  Although we have different locations on our website with information pertaining to laws, you may wish to do your own independent research on what you're searching for.  Thank you.   

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